What We Do

Chromebooks for Eagles

So far we have donated 200+ Chromebooks to Oak Mountain High School.

Our Kiwanis club raises funds our local Oak Mountain Schools to purchase Chromebooks for students in the system. Check out this excellent article on why this makes a huge difference in the academic potential for our students.

Holiday Shopping for Children in our Community

Our Kiwanis club partners with the Indian Springs Village Children’s Fund and Oak Mountain Elementary School to make create a special holiday for children in our area.

Indian Springs Village Easter Egg Hunt

Our Kiwanis club helps celebrate a fun community-building event- selling bugers, manning bouncy houses and games, helping setup the 5,000+ Easter Eggs for the hunt, and of course watching the children have a great time.

Annual Grandparents Day at OMES

Our Kiwanis Club helps support this annual event at Oak Mountain Elementary School. Not every student has a grandparent that can attend, so we stand in for them and enjoy lunch with a child.

Are you ready to join us? Contact us or apply for Kiwanis club membership here
